Shijie Wang

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Stone washing agent: process route for preparing potash fertilizer from water-soluble potassium

1. Potash fertilizer can be made. Potassium is an important element for crop growth. There are a lot of potassium resources in the world, but most of them are water-soluble or insoluble. Our country has abundant potassium resources, but lacks soluble potassium.

Stone washing agent

Since foreign soluble potassium resources are sufficient to meet the needs of agriculture, there are few studies on the use of water-soluble potassium to prepare potassium fertilizers. Since the early 1960s, my country has used potash feldspar to produce potash fertilizer. After decades of research, the following complete process routes have been formed: sintering method, high temperature melting method, hydrothermal method, blast furnace smelting method And low temperature decomposition method.

2. Potassium feldspar fireproof calcium silicate board. Use potassium feldspar to make calcium silicate board. The principle is to make a slurry of raw materials and mix them evenly according to the proportion (potassium feldspar powder: lime: fiber = 229:91:80). The prepared slurry is used to make slabs by the flow production process. After the slabs are stacked, they are sent to the steam tank and cured by high-temperature and high-pressure steam. The silicon-alumina in the material and the calcium oxide in the lime produce calcium silicate hydrate under the high-temperature hydrothermal reaction. , Calcium silicate hydrate

3. Use potash feldspar to make potash fertilizer and make white carbon black at the same time. Potash feldspar contains 13.6% of potassium. According to the characteristics of the remaining mineral stone after potassium extraction, comprehensive utilization research was carried out: the principle of white carbon black is based on the destruction of the structure of potassium feldspar after potassium extraction.

Then, it reacts with NaOH at a certain temperature to make water glass. While diluting with water, add an appropriate amount of electrolyte, neutralize with acid and age at a certain temperature, and then filter and wash to make white carbon black.