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Stone washing agent has become the main means of stone cleaning

Cleaning methods can be divided into two categories: physical cleaning and chemical cleaning. Physical cleaning can be divided into mechanical, hydraulic, water vapor, ultrasonic and laser cleaning, etc. Chemical cleaning can be divided into surfactants, chemical solvents, acids, bases, complexation reactions and biochemical cleaning. Because most of the pollutants of stone live in the micro pores of stone, general physical cleaning is either difficult to touch, or the cost is too high, so chemical cleaning stone washing agent has become the main means of stone cleaning.

Quartz stone cleaning agent

The characteristic of potassium feldspar stone washing agent is that the pollutants are mostly living in the very small pores of the stone (mostly micron-level micropores), and the cleaning agent needs to enter the stone micropores, the effect in the micropores, and the residual liquid after cleaning is sucked out or diluted. Because of the constraint effect of stone micro hole, the cleaning of stone has greater difficulty.

In conclusion, clarifying the structure and nature of stone dust, understanding the characteristics of stone itself, and choosing appropriate cleaning methods or compound methods are important links of cleaning work. 1, this agent is powder, with A, B material used,A, B material one to one into the water can be.

Stone washing agent is a common way to clean the dirt on the surface of the stone floor, such as terrazzo and marble. The surface active agent has two kinds of ionic type and non-ionic type. This product has independent intellectual property rights, solid medicine, non-acid does not hurt hands and iron, colorless, tasteless and water use, cold and warm water can be used at ease.

Their molecules contain polar and non-polar genes. The principle of cleaning is to use the surface active agent to reduce the interfacial tension, wetting, adsorption, emulsification, solubilization, slack and other properties to make the dust molecules fall off and slack, so as to complete the cleaning effect.