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Skills for using quartz stone washing agent

Quartz stone washing agent can improve the purity of the ore: effectively remove the dirt deposited on the surface and inner layer of the ore, improve the purity of the ore, greatly increase the utilization rate of the ore, and do not harm the quartz ore; after cleaning, the surface of the quartz ore is white and bright, with good whiteness and brightness.

quartz stone washing agent case

Precautions for the use of Shijiewang quartz stone washing agent: 

1.The water temperature can be used above 0-100 degrees.

2.The higher the water temperature, the faster the reaction speed, the lower the water temperature the slower the reaction speed, and the lower the temperature requires patience.

3.The higher the concentration, the faster the reaction speed, the lower the speed the slower.

Quartz stone washing agent can replace the existing pickling process. It is non-toxic, harmless and non-corrosive. It only needs to soak for 2-5 hours at room temperature to remove yellow skin, black skin and water lines on the surface of quartz stone, pebbles, etc. .

Quartz stone washing agent can remove ore dirt by soaking, without the need to purchase and install special cleaning devices and equipment, which can reduce the cost of use.