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Quartz stone washing agent is widely used in stone cleaning

Quartz stone washing agent is widely used in stone cleaning, especially granite. The surface treatment has the advantages of no impurities, no correction angle, high density, whitening, de-yellowing, and black spots removal of quartz sand stone washing agent, and mica removal. As the heap gap space is large, uniform, and incapable. If sulfuric acid is used to remove rust, the reaction between sulfuric acid and iron oxide will produce iron sulfate, which can be dissolved in water, so rust can be removed.

However, the corrosion problem of inorganic acid cleaning is worthy of great attention, especially for carbonate stones such as marble. The residual acid or acid radicals in the micropores may damage the stone for a long time. It is difficult to avoid corrosion even if buffering agents are added, so foreign countries tend to use it. Clean with organic acids or other organic substances that are less corrosive and easy to purify.

Usage of quartz stone lotion:

One is to process the mined ore with a rock crusher into 1~3 cm diameter stone particles, which can be cleaned after dust removal;

Choosing the pool immersion method: After putting the quartz ore into the proper place in the pool, put the cleaning agent into the pool filled with the quartz ore until they are just soaked on the surface. After immersing for 4 to 5 hours, take out the clean quartz ore, or discharge the cleaning agent into another cleaning pool for storage for later use. Rinse the cleaned quartz ore for 10 to 30 minutes, dry it, and package the product.

When the automatic stone adding roller equipment is selected for auxiliary cleaning, the equipment can automatically add stone or add a certain amount of chemicals on time for cleaning. With this method of cleaning, the fixed cleaning time is about 30 minutes from the end of the stone to the end of the stone. According to the severity of quartz mine dust, reduce or extend the cleaning time based on existing experience. Then rinse the clean quartz ore for 10 to 30 minutes, and dry the package.

Quartz stone washing agent can effectively remove rust, macula and dirt on the surface of quartz ore. It is specially used to clean the quartz ore after a large number of mining, improve the brightness and purity of the ore, and restore the original color, texture and visual effect of the stone.