Shijie Wang

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Quartz stone washing agent can also deal with impurities on the surface of pebbles

      Quartz stone rust remover (quartz sand stone washing agent) can be cleaned by soaking and wiping, and the general cleaning time is 5 to 10 minutes. (You need to hold it yourself according to the severe rust spots on the stone)For the stone material that needs to be processed in the next step immediately, it can directly enter the next process without cleaning;For stone work that requires short-term and medium-term rust prevention, it can be rinsed clean;The treated stone is clean and free of harmful substances.

Ore washing agent


      The ignition loss of the quartz sand filter material should not be greater than 0.7%, and the soluble rate of hydrochloric acid should not be greater than 3.5%. In the chemical industry, quartz sand is mainly used as abrasive materials (sandblasting, hard abrasive paper, sandpaper, emery cloth, etc.), sand cleaning, rust removal, scale removal, electronic high-purity metal silicon, communication optical fibers and other rubber and plastic fillers (which can improve abrasion resistance).No damage to quartz ore;It can also be used to treat impurities on the surface of cobblestones, which can brighten with high density, remove yellow skin and remove black spots. The effect of quartz sand whitening agent can achieve the advantages of removing mica, etc.If the automatic stone adding roller equipment is used to assist cleaning, the stone washing agent can be added automatically by adding a chemical agent or adding a certain proportion of the chemical agent regularly.

      Quartz sand washing agent can improve the purity of the ore, effectively remove the dirt deposited on the surface and inner layer of the ore, thereby improving the utilization rate of the ore..

      Matters needing attention: Quartz ore rust, macula, and stains take a long time to form, and have strong anti-cleaning ability. The cleaning agent must be used in the original solution, otherwise, the cleaning effect will be affected.