Shijie Wang

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Quartz stone washing agent can restore the original color of the stone

Quartz stone washing agent can remove rust, macula and stains on the surface of quartz ore. It is specially used for cleaning after a large number of mining, improving the brightness and purity of the ore, restoring the original color, texture and visual effect of the stone, and greatly improving the quality of the quartz ore. Quality and qualified utilization.

Quartz stone washing agent product clarifies independent intellectual property rights, solid agent, non-acid does not hurt hand iron, colorless and odorless, is a compound agent developed by our company for the cleaning of minerals in quartz and non-metallic mining areas, completely replacing hydrochloric acid. Sulfuric acid, overturning the traditional pickling.

quartz stone washing agent

Whitening quartz sand is a variety of surface whitening types made of natural silica crushed quartz stone. Various types of quartz stone and quartz sand are widely used and have good advantages. It has a good coupling effect on the oxides in the minerals, and has no side effects on the minerals themselves and the human body.

Refunds are available within 7 days if the product used is not valid. But it should be noted that the impurities and colors outside the ore are cleaned, the interlayer cannot penetrate, and needs to be broken and cleaned.