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Quartz stone washing agent is used for the purification of quartz stone

Quartz stone purification generally uses mechanical scrubbing iron removal technology, mainly rod friction scrubbing and mechanical scrubbing. For mechanical scrubbing, it is generally believed that the factors affecting the scrubbing effect are mainly from the structural characteristics and equipment form of the scrubbing machine, followed by technological factors, including scrubbing time and scrubbing concentration.

The density of quartz stone purification manufacturers wholesale is 2.65, which is 2.65 times the density of water. Conventional natural sand is about 200 less than a ton. Different specifications and prices. Iron can be removed by mechanical scrubbing: Mechanical scrubbing is to remove the thin film iron on the surface of the quartz sand and the iron-containing minerals adhering to the surface of the quartz sand by means of mechanical external force and the collision and friction between the sand particles, so as to achieve the purpose of iron removal.

quartz stone washing agent

【Shi Jiewang】The quartz stone washing agent produced by the manufacturer can be used for the purification of quartz stone, which can reasonably eliminate the deep rust, macular and dust in the quartz ore. It can improve the brightness and purity of the ore, correct the original color of the ore, greatly improve the quality and utilization rate of the quartz ore, and further improve the economic benefits of ore mining.

The three major elements of the chemical reaction of quartz stone washing agent:

  1. The temperature of water can be used above 0-100 degrees.
  2. The higher the water temperature, the faster the reaction speed, the lower the water temperature, the slower the reaction speed, and the lower the temperature, the more patience is required.
  3. The higher the concentration, the faster the reaction speed, and the lower the speed, the slower.