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Quartz stone washing agent use purchase guide

Quartz sand is widely used as a kind of non-metallic mineral raw material. But its purification is difficult, but it doesn’t matter, you can use [Shi Jie Wang] quartz stone washing agent to assist cleaning. The impurity minerals mainly contained in quartz ore include goethite, hematite, limonite, ilmenite, pyrrhotite, tourmaline, hornblende, biotite, etc. The existence of these impurities greatly reduces the use value of quartz sand, so quartz sand iron removal is quite important.

[Shi Jie Wang] Stone washing agent is specially developed by our company for quartz ore and other non-metallic minerals compound agent, can completely replace HCI. H2SO4, quartz stone washing agent, subvert the traditional pickling. This product is a compound agent of oxidant, catalyst, penetrant, coupling agent, bleaching agent, salt, edible acid, ETC. It has a good coupling effect on the oxide in the mineral, and has no side effects on the ore body itself, crops and human body.

Quartz stone washing agent

Usage of quartz stone washing agent:

  1. The quartz ore mined from the mine is processed into stone particles with a diameter of 1~3cm, then dust is removed and cleaned;
  2. Soak in a pool: The quartz mine into sink after proper place, will join the tank full of quartz ore of quartz, detergent to just bubble surface, soaked after 4 ~ 5 hours, get up clean quartz ore, or to arrange cleaner to another backup storage of cleaning the pool, will be fully finished cleaning the quartz mine 10 ~ 30 minutes, rinse after air can be finished packing.
  3. When automatic stone adding drum equipment is used to assist cleaning, cleaning agent can be added automatically or regularly by adding a certain proportion of agents, according to the severity of quartz ore dirt.