Shijie Wang

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Quartz sand washing agent: Is the particle size of the quartz sand filter material for sewage treatment as fine as possible?

Quartz sand washing agent: the finer the quartz sand filter material for sewage treatment depends on the number of meshes. The more meshes, the smaller and finer the particle size. The grid refers to the density value of the woven grid. Is the particle size of the quartz sand filter material for sewage treatment as fine as possible?

Quartz sand washing agent: How many holes of the same size within a square centimeter are called grids. The mesh size of the braided wire per inch. The main component of the quartz sand filter material is silica. The silicon content of the quartz sand determines the quality, which mainly depends on the content of the quartz sand. The higher the content, the better, and the finer the quartz sand, the more difficult it is to process.

Quartz sand washing agent: The role of quartz sand filter material in water treatment is to remove floating matters and particles in the water and filter impurities in the water. The main component of quartz sand is silica. High-content quartz sand is pure white and transparent in appearance. The less impurities, the better the quartz sand. Quartz sand filter materials are divided into ordinary quartz sand and fine quartz sand. Quartz sand filter material plays a filtering role. Water penetrates into the ground through the sand, blocking the floating matter in the water, mainly small floating matter.

Quartz sand washing agent: 1. The surface of fine quartz sand has no pores and the thickness is greater than 15mm. If the thickness is unqualified, its bending performance will be affected. 2. The hardness of quartz sand is up to. It can be seen that the quartz sand is scratched by a blade or a sharp metal object. If there are obvious scratches, it will obviously fail. 3. There are cracks on the upper and lower edges of the cutting surface, that is, unqualified quartz sand. The smaller the splicing gap, the better the quality.

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