Shijie Wang

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Quartz sand washing agent: in order to ensure the water quality, analysis of the thickness of the quartz sand filter layer

Quartz sand washing agent: There is no hard and fast rule for the thickness of the quartz sand filter layer. Each unit or enterprise can set the thickness of the filter layer according to different water quality. However, according to the actual situation of water treatment in many production processes in our country, we have certain experience that can be used for reference: for example, in the filtration of the filter layer, the particle size of the quartz sand filter is 0.5-1.2 mm, and the thickness of the filter layer The particle size of the quartz sand filter material used for filtration is 0.7-2.0 mm, and the thickness of the filter layer is 0.95-1.5 meters. The United States treats 1.3 million square meters of sewage per day, with a particle size of 1.7 mm and a filter layer thickness of 1.8 meters.

Quartz sand washing agent

Quartz sand washing agent: The second phase of the Beijing Ninth Water Plant has a daily treatment volume of 500,000 square meters, a particle size of 1.1 mm, and a filter layer thickness of 1.5 meters. The particle size and thickness of the sand filter media play an important role in filtering performance. In the filtration of the filter layer, the larger the particle size of the filter material, the larger the suspended space that can be accommodated, the stronger the filtering capacity, and the greater the dirt interception capacity.

Quartz sand washing agent: Under the same conditions of sufficient protection thickness, suspended solids are intercepted more, so that the filter material in the middle and lower layers can play a better role. Therefore, the choice of particle size and filter layer thickness is an important indicator to measure the performance of the filter. The larger the ratio of filter layer thickness to particle size, the better. China’s “Urban Water Supply Industry 2000 Technological Progress Development Plan” proposes that in order to ensure water quality, filter layer The thickness of the particle size ratio must be above 800. Of course, in each enterprise, you can find a better relationship value in the experiment according to the nature of its own sewage.